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After Nap

Private practice entrepreneurs can learn a lot from my two year old grand daughter Willow. She told me she would go outside and play with me "after nap". At first it seemed just adorable then I realized her words were really words of wisdom. It occurred to me that Willow understood the concept of pacing yourself. Her daily life is before nap and after nap. The concept of energy conservation is lost on the young. Adults push themselves and work harder to be "successful" neglecting our rest and ultimate well being.

There is a reason airlines say put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you assist the person next to you. If you go down you are of no use to the person next to you! Rest, relaxation and regeneration are key to health, creativity, and quality work. If you show up to take care of a client exhausted, unhealthy and emotionally drained, you are of no use to them.

If you don't rest your body will force you to rest, its call illness. Take time to rest with meaningful balance of quiet time, sleep and meditation. Calm your mind and you body so it can regenerate and maintain a healthy, emotionally balanced state. I hear all the time, I don't require much sleep. That may be so but you body deserves to rest even if you don't sleep. Listen to music, clear your mind with guided meditation, fresh air and quiet calm.

Take the vacation! Your physical and emotional well being deserve the vacation. A vacation can be an elaborate trip or a simply sitting out in the fresh air and soaking up some sun. Taking time away from occupational endeavors bring you back to a balance point.

As you begin to envision your dream private practice, include planning for rest so you can physically be present and emotionally balanced.

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